WHAT IS CHIROPRACTIC CARE?Chiropractic care is based upon the understanding that good health depends, in part, upon a normally functioning nervous system. It is about care of the spine, joints, muscles, ligaments and surrounding tissues. Chiropractic helps unleash your natural healing ability to assist the body in healing and restoring itself.
Chiropractic care is the largest and most popular drug-free healthcare system in the world and has been a blessing to many people worldwide since its discovery in 1895. YOUR BRAIN YOUR BODYYour brain controls your body functions. Your brain talks to your heart, lungs, kidneys, stomach and other organs. They talk through a vast communication system of nerve “wires”. Nerves leave your brain and travel from your skull as a tightly knit bundle of billions of nerves to your spinal cord. Nerves from your spinal cord travel through and out of your spinal column and touch every part of you. Your chiropractor using various highly specialized techniques is able to realign your vertebrae and thus release pressure on your nerves and body structure.
This procedure is called a chiropractic spinal adjustment. Often people are totally unaware that they have subluxations in their spine. That is because many nerves send no pain messages and you may not know that they are being stressed or damaged. You get your teeth checked, your eyes checked and your hearing checked occasionally – why not your spine? |
Regulatory Body – AHPRA It is mandatory that all chiropractors are members of the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)
The functions of the Chiropractic Board of Australia include:
Under the National Law, the Chiropractic Board of Australia and AHPRA work in partnership to implement the National Scheme, each with specific roles, powers and responsibilities set down in the National Law. Each year the National Board and AHPRA publish a health professional agreement that details the services provided by AHPRA that enable the National Board to carry out its functions under the National Law. |
Location71 Riverfig Ave, Kununurra
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